How to Increase Your Earning Potential Before the End of 2021

Uncategorized Oct 20, 2021

There’s just over 2 months left in 2021 and you’ve been thinking that NEXT year will be your year. The year you ask for a raise, change jobs, get promoted, add to your own bottom line…
How do you plan to get there?
There exists a very competitive job search environment right now, however, with some insight, planning, and action – you can up your earning potential before the end of the year.
Here are 10 ways to UP your earning potential and get on track to optimize EVERY opportunity in 2022!

1.  Seek out, resource, and utilize every training opportunity available to you inside your current job that is relevant or becomes ‘added value’ to your current role.

2.  Cross train in an area that interests you (this may have to be before or after work hours) or once a week during lunch if not allowed during your work hours.

3.  Upskilling/Reskilling: Research and take cost effective and valuable online courses/training that increase a current skill or helps you to develop a new skill. Example: Increasing your Excel Spreadsheet or CRM knowledge or learning more about emotional intelligence or how to be more productive each day. In-demand skills include social media management, coding, programming, analytics, and diversity and inclusion.

4.  Get an online certification – for example, before I applied for a federal government position as an Employee Assistance Program Manager, I went online and took several EAP courses that provided certifications in different areas of the field. I was able to include these on my updated resume.

5.  Look for a new job over the holidays – what else is out there that might interest you? There will be an uptick in hiring over the holidays as corporations position themselves for the new year. Employees average a 10-20% increase in salary when they leave to take a new job. Evaluate your continued earning potential at your current company and conduct in-depth research on the opportunities and earning potential at a new company when a job offer is on the table.

6.  If you haven’t already, open a Google Doc or a Notes app on your phone, or grab a spiral notebook and start listing all your accomplishments. This will have you poised to discuss your achievements at your next evaluation and/or provide substance to ask for a raise.

7.  Ask for a raise – Companies are looking to retain valuable employees as many workers have decided not to come back to work after the Pandemic or to switch jobs or careers all together.

8.  Consider a side-hustle. With a solid, sustainable side hustle, you can earn money outside of your primary job. Staring a business, even part time, may require some additional research and financial/business skills. These are essentially new skills that may benefit your current or future roles as well.

9.  Volunteer even 1-2 hours a week with a company that interests you or provides a new set of skills. For example – treasurer for your HOA, Board Member for the school district, coaching, or teaching a skill or process (i.e., budgeting/meal planning) to underserved populations. Many of these types of positions demonstrate leadership, finance knowledge, mentoring, talent management, and resource utilization.

10.  Make a 1, 3 or 5-year plan before the end of the year. Consider where you want to be in that timeframe career wise. Determine what you need to do/learn/have/achieve and believe to get there. What job will you be in? How much money will you be making? Where will you be living? Create a roadmap to get there.
Wow – you’re an action taker – since you made it to number 10 – I have a freebie for you!!
Go to to grab your FREE Career Mapping Worksheet.
Are you where you want to be? If not, take stock of your career and move into ACTION!


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